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How to Remove Hail Dents From Car | Revitalize Your Car’s Body

How to Remove Hail Dents From Car

Hailstones can cause dents and dings on the car’s body, making it unsightly and reducing resale value. If your vehicle has been caught in a hailstorm, don’t worry!

Hail dents can range from minor dings to deep creases, affecting the car’s overall appearance and value. While it’s not always possible to avoid hail damage, there are steps you can take to protect your vehicle without spending much money at the auto body shop.

Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or seeking professional assistance, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover the best techniques and tools to remove hail dents from your car.

What are Hail Dents?

Hail dents are small depressions or dimples on a vehicle’s surface due to hailstones impacting the car’s exterior. Hail is formed when strong updrafts in thunderstorms carry raindrops upward into icy areas of the atmosphere, where they freeze into ice pellets. These ice pellets, or hailstones, can range from tiny pebbles to larger, golf ball-sized projectiles.

Hail dents are typically characterized by small, rounded depressions in the metal or painted surface of the car. They can occur on various vehicle parts, including the roof, hood, trunk, doors, and side panels. The impact of hailstones can also cause paint chipping or cracking, further contributing to the overall damage.

7 Steps to Remove Hail Dents From Your Car: 

Step 1: Assess the Damage

The first step in the hail dent removal process is to assess the extent of the damage. Then, carefully inspect your car from all angles, paying close attention to the hood, roof, trunk, and sides. 

How to Remove Hail Dents From Car

Look for dents of various sizes and note their location. This initial assessment will help determine whether the damage can be repaired through DIY methods or if professional assistance is required. Remember that deep or extensive dents may require the expertise of an experienced auto body repair technician.

Step 2: Gather the Necessary Tools and Supplies

Once you’ve assessed the damage, gather the tools and supplies needed for the hail dent removal process. Here are some essential items you’ll need:

Heat source: A heat gun or hairdryer can apply heat to the dented area, making the metal more flexible and easily manipulated.

Dry ice or compressed air: These options can rapidly cool the dented area, causing the metal to contract and potentially pop back into place.

Dent removal tools: Various tools, such as a dent puller, suction cups, or a rubber mallet, can push or pull the dented metal back into its original shape.

Cleaning supplies: It’s essential to clean the dented area before and after the repair. Use soap, water, and a microfiber cloth to remove dirt or debris.

Step 3: Apply Heat to the Dented Area

Before attempting to remove the dents, applying heat to the affected area is essential. This step is especially crucial if the cuts are shallow or if the weather is cold. Use a heat gun or a hairdryer on its highest setting to warm up the dented surface. 

How to Remove Hail Dents From Car

Keep the heat source at a safe distance to avoid damaging the paint. In addition, the heat will make the metal more pliable, making it easier to manipulate and remove the dents.

Step 4: Use Dry Ice or Compressed Air

If the dents are minor and not too deep, try using dry ice or compressed air to remove them. Place a piece of dry ice or hold a can of compressed air upside down and spray it onto the dented area. 

The rapid cooling effect will cause the metal to contract, potentially popping the dents back into place. Be cautious when using dry ice, and wear protective gloves to avoid direct contact with your skin.

Step 5: Apply Pressure to Push or Pull the Dents

You may need to apply pressure to push or pull the metal back into shape for larger or more stubborn dents. There are several techniques and tools you can use for this purpose:

Dent Puller: A dent puller is a device that attaches to the dented surface and allows you to pull the metal outward. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to connect the dent puller securely and then gradually apply pressure until the dent pops out.

How to Remove Hail Dents From Car

Suction Cups: Suction cups can also be effective in removing dents. Place a suction cup over the pattern’s center and firmly press it against the surface. Then, slowly pull the suction cup outward, creating a vacuum to help remove the way back into place.

Rubber Mallet: Sometimes, you can use a rubber mallet to tap the dented area from inside the panel gently. This technique requires caution and precision to avoid causing further damage.

How to Remove Hail Dents From Car

Experiment with these techniques, applying pressure from different angles until you achieve the desired results. Remember to be patient and take breaks if necessary to prevent fatigue.

Step 6: Clean and Polish the Surface

Once you’ve successfully removed the hail dents, it’s time to clean and polish the surface of your car. First, use a mild soap and water solution to thoroughly clean the repaired area, removing any residue from the repair process.

Next, rinse the area with clean water and dry it with a microfiber cloth. Finally, apply a coat of car wax or polish to restore the shine and protect the paint.

How to Remove Hail Dents From Car

Step 7: Consider Professional Assistance

If the hail dents are deep and extensive, or if you’re uncomfortable performing the repairs yourself, it’s best to seek professional assistance. Auto body repair shops have the expertise and specialized tools to remove hail dents effectively and restore your car’s appearance.

Different Methods to Remove Hail Dents From Your Car

You can use several methods to remove hail dents from your car effectively.

  1. Hot Water Method
  2. Hair Dryer and Compressed Air Method
  3. Boiling Water and Dry Ice Method
  4. Plunger Method

How to Protect Your Car from Hail Damage

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some tips to protect your car from hail damage:

  • Park your car in a covered area or garage during a hailstorm.
  • If you don’t have covered parking, use a car cover to protect your vehicle.
  • If driving during a hailstorm, find a sheltered area and park there until the storm passes.
  • Hail protection mats and carport kits are designed to shield vehicles from hail damage.
  • You can reduce the risk of hail damage by regularly maintaining and inspecting your car.
  • Comprehensive insurance provides financial protection in case of hail damage.

Implementing these preventive measures can significantly reduce the chances of your car sustaining hail damage. Stay proactive, stay informed, and take the necessary steps to protect your vehicle during hailstorms. Your efforts will go a long way in preserving the appearance and value of your car.


Hail dents can be unsightly and reduce the resale value of your car. But don’t worry. Several methods exist to remove them without spending much money. With these tips and tricks, you can easily remove hail dents from your car and keep it looking new. 

Remember to take preventive measures to protect your car from hail damage and avoid future repair costs. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to removing hail dents from your vehicle and enjoying a smooth and flawless exterior again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I remove hail dents using hot water alone?

Hot water alone may not be sufficient to remove hail dents. While it can help soften the metal, you will likely need to combine it with careful manipulation or other techniques for effective dent removal.

Are DIY methods safe for all types of car paint?

When performed correctly, DIY methods are generally safe for car paint. However, it’s essential to exercise caution and follow proper techniques to avoid causing any paint damage. If you’re uncertain, it’s best to consult a professional.

How much does professional hail dent repair cost?

The cost of professional hail dent repair can vary depending on the extent of the damage, the location, and the specific repair techniques used. Therefore, getting multiple quotes from reputable auto body shops to compare prices is advisable.

Can I prevent hail damage to my car?

While preventing hail damage entirely is difficult, you can take some precautions. If you’re aware of an incoming hailstorm, try to park your car in a covered area, such as a garage. If no covered parking is available, use a car cover to provide some protection.

Should I report hail damage to my insurance company?

It’s advisable to contact your insurance company and report the hail damage. They can guide you through the claim process and determine if your policy covers repairs.

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